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This game is pretty fun, it's a shame that when new knights, wizards, or Samurai join on the board, they don't scale with the main player, otherwise they just become liabilities.

Thanks for playing that really made my day! I agree, your king becomes a powerhouse that becomes the only piece to care about. I think if I were to flush out the game, I'd limit scaling overall, so that it's more of a strategy game than a number game.

You’re very welcome. I think the game needs scaling to apply to the pieces that spawn in, because the King scales rapidly but you have to make a choice between giving damage modifiers with other people pieces, or just the king, and it would be better if it was shared, even with pieces that spawn in.

It’s very easy for the enemy to start snowballing and harassing the king if you’re not careful. 

I feel like if there’s too many pieces on the board then no more should spawn in, because it gets very wild rapidly.